
動輒說“Whatever” 小心惹人厭

世界公民文化中心編輯部 ◎文/Lily章

 跟人聊天,可不要隨時把“Whatever”、“you know”掛在嘴邊,免得惹人嫌。 圖/美聯社


 這個調查嚇壞不少人,因為不只是"Whatever",還有像anyway以及you know這類的字眼,不管英文溜不溜,我們幾乎天天掛在嘴上。

 講話時,我們經常不自覺用一些轉折語或口頭禪,使用太頻繁就刺耳了。這項調查中,近五成的受訪者最不喜歡whatever,四分之一的人最討厭you know。當然還有區域性喜好,到美國中西部,最好別用whatever,免得惹人嫌!

 Whatever!為什麼那麼讓人反感呢?在口語上,它有點像「隨便啦,無所謂」,例如,別人問你"Do you like coffee or tea?"(你喜歡咖啡還是茶?)你回答"Whatever!",就有點兒不在乎的意思,沒有明白講,但就是"I don't care."。設想如果你的屬下成天把「隨便啦,無所謂」掛在嘴邊,你會喜歡嗎?。

 有時候Whatever也出現在句尾,是Who cares?的意思。老美會說"I totally have no idea how to file my tax return, whatever."(我不知道該怎麼報稅,唉,隨便啦。)最後那個 whatever 是老美在講話時很喜歡加的,就是「隨便,反正我也不擔心的意思。」


1. Whatever (隨便、無所謂)

2. Anyway



3. You know

   You know是美國口頭禪排行榜的第一名了,老美,甚至老中

也會常常不自覺的在句子中插入"you know"來轉折語句氣




4. It is what it is



5. At the end of the day




"Whatever…"Takes Top Honors as Most Annoying

 If you're like,"whatever,"and someone gives you a mean look, just remember it is what it is - certain sayings rub people the wrong way, you know? Anyway, at the end of the day, who cares?

 If the above paragraph thoroughly irritated you, you're probably not alone. The question is, which word or phrase bothered you the most?

 Chances are it was"whatever."In a recent Marist poll, nearly half of Americans - 47% - said they find"whatever" most annoying. The other sayings weren't quite so loathed. 25% say they find"you know"most grating:11% can't stand "it is what it is":7% would like to ban"anyway"from all verbal exchanges;and 2% reported that they could do without hearing"at the end of the day."

 Interestingly, if you're traveling to the Midwest, it might be especially wise to leave your store of"whatevers"at home. 55% of residents in that region dislike the term, while only 19% of them disapprove of"you know."In contrast, 35% of Northeast residents say"whatever"is most annoying, while 32% are most bothered by"you know."(節選自Marist Poll)


1.rub people the wrong way 惹惱

 任何動物都是順著毛生長的方向撫摸會比較舒適,逆方向動物就會不高興,rub people the wrong way 就是比喻人容易被激怒、惹惱。例:He is well-intentioned but not tactful enough in his speech, thus he often rubs others the wrong way. 他是好心,只是說話不圓滑,因此常常得罪人。

2.Chances are...

 Chances are 是口語的用法,相當於"it is likely (that)"。

表示很有可能的意思。例如:Chances are (that) they'll be late.  看起來,他們勢必會遲到。

Part1: Core & Corner method:

He or She? 在你的腦袋裝一個「英文警察」


明明懂規則,卻不能一出口就對,原因很簡單,因為你的腦子裡還沒有住一個「英文警察」,這位「英文警察」能在你的she/he脫口而出的時候,先幫你做"grammar check"。


儘管He和she對了,也還會有一個問題,就是談話中充斥著"he or she",表達很冗贅,要避免冗句,請熟讀以下句子:

(錯):A department employee should make sure they dress appropriately.

(差):A department employee should make sure he or she dresses appropriately.

(好):Department employees should make sure they dress appropriately. (以複數解決)

(差):The prudent executive needs to know where his money goes.

(好):Prudent executives need to know where their money goes. (以複數解決)

(好):As a prudent executive, you need to know where your money goes. (以句型解決)

(差):If the manager files his or her report by Wednesday, he or she will have the revised copy returned to him or her on Friday.

(好):Managers who file their reports on Wednesday will have a revised copy returned to them by Friday. (以複數解決)

(差):Don't judge someone simply on the basis of his sex or color.

(好):Don't judge someone simply on the basis of sex or color. (不必要時,直接刪掉)

(好):Don't judge people simply on the basis of sex or color.


Part 2:說文解字:英文一個字一個字讀,進步最快!



Your mother has a genius for managing such things. 你母親有處理此類事情的才能。

I don't think it's altogether her shop; I think she just manages it. 我認為這不是她的店,她只是負責管理而已。


My boss is good at managing her money. 我老闆善於理財。

You couldn't manage the demanding case;you'd better ask your boss for help. 你應付不了這件難辦的事,你最好叫你的主管幫助你。

3."達到;做成(某事)",常與can, could, be able to連用。

I haven't been learning French for long, so I can only manage a few words.我學法文的時間不長,所以只能湊合著說幾句。

Despite his disappointment, he was able to manage a smile. 儘管他很失望,可還是強顏歡笑。


Do you suppose you can manage to get me a copy? 你認為你能給我弄到備份嗎?

We managed to get what we wanted, anyway.  無論如何,我們最終得到了我們想要的。


We have a little food, but we can manage. 我們只有一點兒食物,但我們能應付過去。

How will you manage without a job? 沒有工作你怎麼過活?


I couldn't manage two weeks' holiday this year, only one. 今年我無法得到兩周的假期,只能是一周。

Without her help I should not have managed it. 沒有她的幫忙,我是辦不到的。

7. manage for片語,意為"設法得到"。如:

How did you manage for money? 你是怎樣弄到錢的?

8. manage的名詞有management,意為"經營;管理";還有manager,意為"經理;管理人"。如:

The failure was caused by bad management.失敗是經營不善所致。

She's not a very good manager-she always spends more money than she earns. 她不大會理財--總是入不敷出。



1.I'll be glad to get rid from him.

2.My sister is good in math.

3.You must guard from bad habits.

4.He was found guilty for murder.

5.Clare's independent from her parents.

6.They are indifferent for politics.

7.He always insisted to his opinion.

8.He is very jealous from his brother.

9.They are leaving to England soon.

10.Look to his beautiful picture.


1.I'll be glad to get rid of him.

2.My sister is good at math.

NOTE1:Bad at, clever at, quick at, slow at, etc. 相對地,weak in: He is weak in grammar.

NOTE2:He is good in class. 意思是他在課堂上行為很好.

3.You must guard against bad habits.

4.He was found guilty of murder.

5.Clare's independent of her parents.

NOTE:We say dependent on: A child is dependent on its parents.

6.They are indifferent to politics.

7.He always insisted on his opinion.

NOTE:另一個很接近的字是Persist,介系詞用in:He persisted in his silly ideas.

8.He is very jealous of his brother.

9.They are leaving for England soon.

10.Look at his beautiful picture.

NOTE:Also gaze at, stare at, etc. But: look after (= take care of), look for (=try to find), look over (=examine), look into (=examine closely), look on or upon (=consider), look down on (=have a low opinion of), look up to (=respect), look out for (=expect), look forward to (= expect with pleasure),


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